MajuLab Seminar by Keith Slevin – 14 December 2023

Seminar: Thursday, December 14, 2023
4:30 PM Singapore time / 9:30 AM French time

In person at the CQT level 3 seminar room, NUS & online via Zoom for the seminar. Registration is required.

Please register at: 


Keith Slevin, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan 

Valerio Scarani

I have a BA in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University and a PhD from Imperial College in Solid State Physics.
Since 1997 I have been an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Science at Osaka University in Japan.
My interests include Anderson localisation, the quantum Hall effect, the metal-insulator transition in doped semiconductors, the Kondo effect, machine learning, the localisation landscape…



SPOQC: Time evolution of coherent wave propagation and spin relaxation in spin-orbit coupled systems

I will talk about recent work with Masataka Kakoi in which we investigate the time evolution of a particle in an initial plane wave state as it is subject to elastic scattering in a two-dimensional disordered system with spin-orbit coupling (SOC). We have studied the time dependence of the disorder-averaged momentum distribution both numerically and analytically. In the analytic calculation, the SOC is treated non-perturbatively, and the disorder perturbatively. We identify weak and strong SOC regimes and the relevant time and energy scales in each case. We calculate the time dependence of coherent backscattering as a function of the strength of the SOC. By studying the time dependence of the anisotropy of the momentum distribution we identify the spin relaxation time. We find a crossover from
D’yakonov-Perel’ spin relaxation for weak SOC to Elliot-Yafet like behaviour for strong SOC.

Further details of our work can be found in our preprint

MajuLab is an international joint research unit of the CNRS, UCA, SU, NUS and NTU in Singapore (IRL 3654), hosted by CQT and SPMS.