
Scientific project

Quantum science and quantum technologies are tightly entangled: applications drive basic research, and vice versa, in virtuous innovation circles. In this spirit, MajuLab3.0 adopts a 2D structuration: horizontal axes (vertical axes) capture basic science research axes (application-driven research axes):

 The new structure takes the best of MajuLab 2.0, while stimulating new synergies. We propose to structure basic research in quantum science into 4 main axes:

    • Quantum matter physics is about understanding complex quantum systems. It encompasses engineered quantum matter on different platforms (ultra-cold atoms, hybrid quantum systems, Rydberg atom arrays…), state of the art numerical simulations of strongly correlated systems, nonequilibrium topological phases, dynamics of quantum many-body systems, quantum transport, quantum chaos and quantum disordered systems.
    • Quantum controlled systems is about the study of electrons, phonons and photons and their interactions in the quantum regime. The axis encompasses: light-matter interaction in solid-state architectures, quantum manipulation and detection involving one, two or all sides of the electron-photon-phonons triangle of interactions, artificial atoms, Kerr resonators, superconducting qbits, quantum fluids of light (from visible light to microwave photons), development in solid-state nanotechnologies : new materials, dielectrics, semiconducting & superconducting devices…
    • Quantum information science applies the rules of quantum physics to information theory for quantum advantages. The axis encompasses quantum algorithms, machine learning, safe and post-quantum cryptography, complexity theory, communication-complexity, one-shot information theory, Shannon theory.
    • Quantum energetics, thermodynamics and resources explores the links between energy, entropy and information at quantum scales. It encompasses energy exchanges and storage in quantum systems, heat engines, refrigerators/heat pumps, catalysts, quantum batteries, energetics of control, quantum transport in nanoscale systems including strongly correlated materials, role of interactions, heat diodes, foundational issues: thermodynamics of measurement, emergence of non-equilibrium statistical physics, emergence of fluctuations and their properties, physical resource cost of quantum technologies, fundamental and full- stack, hardware and software, quantum energetic advantage.
  •  Conversely, each basic research axis can give rise to applications in machine learning, quantum computing and simulation, quantum communication and quantum sensing.