Research Fellow on the energetic efficiency of photonic and cat-code based quantum computers

Research Fellow on the energetic efficiency of photonic and cat-code based quantum computers

A post-doctoral position is open in the group of Alexia Auffèves (MajuLab , CQT, Singapore). The position is part of the project OECQ funded by the French Public Bank of Investment (BPI). This 5-year project aims to model and optimize the energetic efficiencies of the quantum processors currently developed by the startups Alice&Bob and Quandela on use-cases co-defined with EDF, French leader in the production of electricity, in search for an energetic advantage of quantum nature. The research fellow will establish fundamental energetic bounds for the quantum processes at play in the computations, and explore how these bounds scale with the size of the problems and the classical control. The OECQ project offers unique opportunities to explore on industrial problems how energy costs established at the quantum scale get amplified at the macroscopic one, and their impact on the roadmaps of companies fabricating quantum processors.

About the project OECQ “Optimizing the energy cost of quantum computing” is a 5-year project funded by the French BPI. The consortium gathers the CNRS academic team |QET>, the two leading quantum startups Alice&Bob (cat-code based quantum computer) and Quandela (photon-based quantum computer) as well as EDF (French leader in the production of electricity). OECQ aims at maximizing the energetic efficiency of the quantum computers respectively built by Alice&Bob and Quandela, while they execute concrete industrial problems co-defined with EDF. When possible, the problems will be solved on EDF high performance computers, providing the classical reference point needed to explore potential quantum energy advantages. It is the first large scale project putting in synergy fundamental research, industry and startups to solve energetic challenges.

Role of the research fellow The research fellow will build a comprehensive package of analytical and numerical tools to model the basic quantum processes at play in one of the two processors, or both. The processes encompass native quantum gates, amplification, measurements, environment engineering, error-correction. Using advanced methods of quantum optics and stochastic thermodynamics, she/he will establish fundamental quantum bounds and fluctuation theorems, i.e. quantitative relations between energy dissipation and irreversibility, on average and at the single trajectory level. Building on the full-stack models of the quantum computers developed in the project, she/he will study how these bounds are amplified at the macroscopic level and impact the energy consumption of enabling technologies for target computing performances. In tight collaboration with the nodes of the consortium, she/he will explore if, and at which conditions a full-stack quantum computer can be more energy-efficient than its classical equivalent.

About|QET> and the hosting group The quantum energy team|QET> is a non-local theoretical research team lead by A. Auffèves (CNRS, Singapore) and R. Whitney (CNRS, Grenoble). We are pioneers in the development and application of a holistic methodology to estimate and optimize the energy consumed by the full stack of a quantum computer [Auf22,FCT+23], and co-founders of the Quantum Energy Initiative. The fellow will be hosted in Auffèves group, which has a long standing experience in quantum energetics, quantum optics, and stochastic thermodynamics, and in the exploration of foundational and technological open questions in close collaboration with top level experimental and theoretical groups worldwide (see e.g. [EHM+17,LBM+22,MCA22,SSM+23]). Auffèves chairs the IEEE 3329 working group “quantum energy initiative” devoted to the development on standards of energy efficiency for quantum computing.

Larger working environment- MajuLab is a joint international lab whose signatory institutions are the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Universite Cote d’Azur (UCA), Sorbonne Universite (SU), the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Since its creation in 2014, this French-Singaporean quantum centre has been instrumental in initiating and sustaining long term synergies between the French and the Singaporean ecosystems. The research fellow will be based in the Centre for Quantum Technologies, a long-standing powerhouse of quantum. She/he will engage in the fast-paced Singaporean ecosystem, a multicultural hub and Asian leader in deep tech.


– PhD in theoretical quantum physics, quantum thermodynamics, quantum computing, with a focus on realistic models. Experience in superconducting qubits and bosonic codes will be a strong plus.

– Excellent analytical, organizational, and communication skills.

– Capacity to work in multidisciplinary teams and at multiple levels of description.

– Proven track record of published research and presentations in relevant fields.

– Creativity, autonomy and ability to think out of the box.

What We Offer

– Opportunity to work on a strategic project and to play an instrumental role in the structuration of the emerging field of quantum energetics.

– Long-term research fellow position (up to 5 years), giving ample time to develop new skills and reach ambitious challenges.

– Opportunity to supervise PhD students and interns, freedom to define and execute workplans.

– Various collaborations in France and Singapore within highly stimulating environments.

– Excellent networking opportunities with leading experts from academia and industry.

– Excellent working conditions with competitive salary and benefits (up to 100000 euros/year after taxes, depending on the profile of the candidate).

How to Apply

Interested candidates should submit their application by sending an email to including a detailed CV, a cover letter explaining their interest and fit for the role, two or three reference letters, and a list of publications.

Application Deadline

End of June 2024



[EHM+17] C.Elouard, D. Herrera-Martì, M. Clusel, A. Auffèves, The role of quantum measurement in stochastic thermodynamics, npj QI 3:9 (2017).

[Auf22] A. Auffèves, Quantum technologies need a quantum energy initiative, PRX Quantum 3, 020101 (2022).

[LBM+22] Xiayu Linpeng, Léa Bresque, Maria Maffei, Andrew N. Jordan, Alexia Auffèves, and Kater W. Murch, Energetic cost of measurements using quantum, coherent and thermal light, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 220506 (2022).

[MCA22] M. Maffei, P.A. Camati, A. Auffèves, A closed system solution of the 1D atom from collision model, Entropy 2022, 24, 151 (2022).

[FCT+23] M. Fellous-Asiani, J.-H. Chai, Y. Thonnart, H.-K. Ng, R. S. Whitney and A. Auffèves, PRX Quantum 4, 040319 (2023)

[SSM+23] J. Stevens, D. Szombati, M. Maffei, C. Elouard, R. Assouly, N. Cottet, R. Dassonneville, Q. Ficheux, S. Zeppetzauer, A. Bienfait, A. N. Jordan, A. Auffèves, and B. Huard, Energetics of a single qubit gate, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 110601 (2022)