Quantum Information & Computation Axis

Photo : Quantum computer. Dilution refrigerator of the quantum computer with superconducting circuits built by IBM. © G. Carlow / IBM Research

Quantum Information and Computation Publications

• Staff

Divesh AGGARWAL , Associate Professor at NUS and Principal Investigator at CQT.

Alexia AUFFEVES, Research Director at CNRS, Visiting Professor at CQT.

Berthold-Georg ENGLERT, Professor at NUS, Principal Investigator at CQT and NUS Deputy Director of UMI MajuLab

Rahul JAIN, Professor at NUS and Principal Investigator at CQT

Hartmut KLAUCK, Assistant Professor at NTU and Principal Investigator at CQT

Leong Chuan KWEK, Associate Professor at NIE/NTU and Principal Investigator at NTU

Manas MUKHERJEEPrincipal Investigator, Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University Singapore & Director National Quantum Foundry, IMRE/A*star

Hui Khoon NG, Associate Professor at Yale-NUS and CQT Fellow [Axis Coordinator]

Dario POLETTI, Associate Professor at SUTD

Miklos SANTHA, Research Director at CNRS and Principal Investigator at CQT.

Patrick REBENTROST Principal Investigator at CQT.

Marco TOMAMICHEL Associate Professor at NUS (ECE), Principal Investigator at CQT.

• Post-Docs



• PhD Students

Jinge BAO

Rishabh BATRA

Naresh Goud BODDU